
Improve Your Search Engine Rankings With

Top-Rated SEO Company In India

SEO holds the key to your online success.
Get Best Results And Drive Your Website's Growth
Let Makes360 Handle Your Website's SEO
Makes360 Social Media Management Services

How does SEO Help Your Business?

SEO is one of the most effective strategies to improve sales, increase brand awareness and reach a wider audience.

Organic Search Results drive most of the traffic to your website, so your website needs to be optimised for search engines to not loose potential traffic. An optimised website is easy for the search engine to understand and index. It also improves user experience that, in turn, increases engagement.

SEO is a cost- effective way to drive traffic to your website and can help in attracting more traffic and leads that helps in increasing sales and revenue.

Another important aspect of SEO that helps your business is building trust factor. When your website ranks higher on the SERP, it indicates that your website is a reliable source of information. This helps in building trust among your target audience.

Want to know

Why SEO Company Should Be Hired?

Optimising a website is not as easy as it seems.

There are several aspects to be focused on and it requires a lot of experience and expertise to master the techniques. Hiring a company that specialises in this field with their extensive knowledge is far better than trying to handle it yourself.

Professional SEO companies use advanced tools that are expensive and complex to use without proper training.

Makes360 Team

Optimising your website takes a lot of time and efforts. By hiring an SEO service company, you can focus on your business and save time and resources.

Search Engine Algorithms change very rapidly and lacking behind doesn’t seem beneficial to your business. Specialised companies have expertise in dealing with evolving scenarios.

Ultimately, hiring an SEO company can save time, resources, provide specialised expertise, enhance your website’s performance and deliver better results than trying to manage SEO in-house. Working with an expert SEO company is a strategic investment that is going to target long-term growth and success for your business.

Capture social media success with Makes360

Why Hire Makes360?

Makes360 is all what you are looking for in an SEO specialization company. With an experience of over 6 years and completion of 393+ projects, our company provides you the best ROI. Our 561+ happy clients have given us 5-star ratings and boosted our success rate.

Working with Makes360 guarantees you a smooth process, clear communication, right understanding of your goals and implementing our tailor-made strategy effectively. With us working on your business website, you can be stress-free and focus well on your business.

6+ Years Of Experience In Social Media
Personalised Strategy For Your Business
Team Of Social Media Specialists
97% Success Rate with Makes360

As in media

Makes360 Featured In

The company has been recognized in more than hundreds of NEWS articles, News Papers and Stages in national and international media for its services and quality, won with its many achievements and titles and has received many awards, titles, and reviews.

Explore The Features Provided In

SEO Services By Makes360

On-page SEO

On-page SEO is the practice of optimizing individual web pages to improve their search engine rankings and attract relevant traffic. The goal is to make your website more appealing to both search engines and users.

Key aspects include using targeted keywords naturally within your content, ensuring your site is easy to navigate, and providing a positive user experience.

By focusing on these elements, your website becomes more accessible and relevant, leading to higher visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs) and ultimately attracting more visitors.

Off-page SEO

Off-page SEO encompasses a range of strategies aimed at improving a website’s search engine rankings through actions taken outside site.

It includes building high-quality backlink profile, where other reputable websites link back to your content, signaling to search engines that your site is trustworthy and authoritative. Additionally, promoting your content through social media platforms can drive traffic and engagement, further enhancing your site's credibility.

Influencer outreach, where influential figures in your industry share or endorse your content, can also significantly boost your online presence. Collectively, these strategies help improve your website's authority, making it more likely to rank higher on search engines.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO is aimed at optimising a website’s technical aspects to enhance its visibility and ranking.

This includes improving your site's architecture to make it easier for search engines to crawl and index your content. Ensuring your website is mobile-friendly is crucial, as an increasing number of users access the web via mobile devices.

Additionally, optimizing page loading speed is essential, as faster websites provide a better user experience and are favored by search engines. By addressing these technical elements, businesses can enhance their website's performance, leading to higher search engine rankings, increased traffic, and a greater return on investment (ROI).

Competitor Analysis

Along with all the techniques, analysing your competitors is an important component of the strategy.

This process involves researching and evaluating your competitors to understand their strengths, weaknesses, strategies, and market positions. By doing so, you can identify gaps and opportunities in your own strategy, helping you to stay ahead in the competitive landscape.

Competitor analysis allows you to understand what is working well for others in your industry and adapt those tactics to your own advantage. It also helps you recognize potential threats and devise strategies to mitigate them.

Benefits Of SEO Services

Brings Organic Search Traffic To Your Website
Cost- Effective Marketing Strategy
Higher Trust, Credibility and Brand Recognition
Improves User Experience

Impacts The Buying Cycle
Gives Competitive Advantage
Long - Term Strategy
Quantifiable Results
Background Image


Strategy That Makes360 Uses For Best SEO Services

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Step 1:

Consultation and Goal Setting

Our first interaction with the client is focused on understanding what they expect from the project and from us. We have years of experience in this field, and we understand that every business is unique with its own set of requirements.

Our approach is to understand and analyse your goals and requirements before we move further with strategy creation. To begin with this, we initialise with deep research on your company. This helps us in the execution of your optimisation campaign.

Step 2:

Website Audit

Our team conducts a thorough website audit that helps in identification of any issues on the website and give opportunities for improvement. This audit covers technical aspects like site speed, mobile friendliness, crawlability, indexability and makes sure that your website meets the search engine criteria.

An on-page audit is done to evaluate elements such as meta tags, headers, content quality, keyword usage, etc. We also focus on off-page factors such as your backlink profile and online reputation.

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Instagram Management
Step 3:

Keyword Research

This process involves identifying relevant and high-performance keywords that your potential customers use to find your products or services. This is done by analysing search volume, competition, etc factors that help in selecting the keywords that drive better quality and quantity of traffic to your website.

We focus on finding long-term keywords and strategically map them to specific places in perfect content to keyword ratio. Using the right keywords can help in improving the visibility and search engine rankings of your website.

Step 4:

Technical SEO Optimisation

Optimising the technical aspects of your website is as important as wearing sunscreen on your way out. Both are crucial elements in the battlefield. We focus on enhancing site speed by optimising images, browser caching, and minimising scripts.

We make sure that your website is fully responsive and mobile friendly so that users have a seamless mobile experience. Other factors such as submitting an XML sitemap to search engine are also handled. This helps in better crawling and indexing of your website which ultimately leads to better ranking.

Facebook Management
Instagram Management
Step 5:

On-Page SEO Optimisation

In this step, we focus on improving individual webpages to make them more user centric and search engine friendly. We optimise title tags and meta description using targeted keywords that helps in enhancing the visibility of your website in search results.

We also focus on structuring your content and ensuring that it is high-quality, relevant, and optimised for target keywords. We work on all on-page optimisation and make your website more attractive to search engines and provide a better experience for users, leading to higher SERP rankings and engagement.

Step 6:

Content Creation and Optimisation

The main step of our procedure is to develop a co tent strategy that aligns with your SEO goals and addresses your target audience’s needs. Our team creates high-quality, informative and highly engaging content that includes various forms such as blog posts, articles, infographics and videos.

We regularly update and refresh existing content as it helps in keeping it relevant and optimised for recent SEO trends. We ensure strategic keyword placement in your content, headings, metadata. This helps in maximising the visibility of your website on search engines.

Facebook Management
Instagram Management
Step 7:

Quality Link Building

Our priority is to create high-quality backlinks to enhance your website’s authority and trustworthiness. We have a specialization in link building, and we use tailor made strategies that suit your business needs. Promoting your content on social media platforms increases visibility and attracts natural backlinks.

By acquiring a diverse backlink profile, we improve your site’s credibility and rankings on SERP (Search Engine Results Page). We strictly adhere to ethical link-building practices that ensure long-term success and protect your site from potential threats.

Step 8:

Local SEO Optimisation

Local SEO optimisation is another crucial step to improve your site’s visibility in local search results. We focus on optimising your online business profile to enhance local search visibility.

We encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on Google and other platforms, that in turn, help in enhancing your local SEO efforts. By focusing on this aspect of SEO, we attract more local customers and strengthen your local presence. It also helps in driving more targeted traffic to your website.

Facebook Management
Instagram Management
Step 9:

Monitoring and Reporting

Our sole emphasis is not only on improvement but also to track the progress and check whether it aligns with your goals or not. Regular monitoring and reporting are crucial parts of the process. It helps us in analysing whether the strategy is working or requires alteration. This also helps you in measuring the success of the campaign.

We provide detailed reports on key metrics. This helps us to understand the areas of improvement. Continuous monitoring allows us to adjust strategies based on data-driven insights and analysis.

Want to be the leader in your field? Our specialized SEO services cater to 33+ industries, providing you with the tools to conquer search engines and grow your business.

About the

Industries We Serve

At Makes360, we specialise in providing cutting-edge social media management solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of 33+ industries

Whether you are a small business or a startup, we use our fine expertise to give your website the SEO polishing it requires.

  • Political Campaigns

  • Healthcare & Medicine

  • Education Sector

  • E-commerce & Retail

  • Business & Start-up

  • NGO and Nonprofit

  • NEWS & Media

  • Blog & Portfolio

  • Hotel/Restaurant

  • Shop & Mall

Industries We Serve

Frequently Asked Questions

SEO is a long-term strategy. The time to see results can vary depending on the competitiveness of your industry, the current state of your website, and the specific tactics used.

Our SEO services include keyword research, on-page optimisation, technical SEO, off-page optimisation, competitive analysis, content creation, link building, local SEO, and ongoing performance monitoring and reporting.

We conduct thorough keyword research using advanced tools and techniques to identify high-traffic and relevant keywords for your industry. We also consider your business goals, target audience, and competitors’ strategies.

Yes, our SEO strategies are customized to fit over 33 different industries. We tailor our approach to meet the unique challenges and opportunities within your specific market.

Absolutely. We adhere to ethical, white-hat SEO practices to ensure long-term, sustainable results and to avoid penalties from search engines.

Simply contact us through our website or give us a call. We will set up an initial consultation to discuss your business needs and develop a customized SEO strategy for you.